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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/05/2024.

Lettings and Charges

Lettings for the Sunart Centre (which includes all AHS facilities) fall under the jurisdiction of High Life Highland and the Arainn Shuaineirt Management Committee. All enquiries should be directed to the High Life Highland Community Centre Co-Ordinator Eoghan Carmichael, preferably by email.

Charges for the the facilities within the Sunart Centre are defined by Charge Bands. To find out the cost of a facility, first find out which band your activity comes under (as below) and then check our Letting Charges.


Bookings EXEMPT from letting charges are:

  • Àrainn Shuaineirt Management Committee events
  • Ardnamurchan High School and its Feeder Primary School activities
  • Parent Council activities
  • Community activities & events promoted by High Life Highland or the Arainn Shuaineirt Management Committee
  • West Highland College for facilities as laid out in the current Partnership Agreement.   

Band A

  • Community sporting, social, political and religious activities
  • Not for profit instruction, musical competitions
  • Blood Transfusion Service
  • Charitable Groups raising funds for charity
  • Playgroups, Sunday School
  • Meetings of Community Councils
  • Meetings of Community Associations
  • Educational Classes, including High Life Highland and West Highland College for all open days and classes    

Band B

  • Semi-commercial - instructed activities of educational or sporting content where the instructor retains the income
  • Elections
  • Unlicensed ceilidhs and dances where an individual retains the income
  • Weddings
  • Youth Groups, Senior Citizen Groups, Disabled Groups, Sports Groups and Schools from outside the AHS designated catchment area
  • Non-commercially provided instruction   

Band C

  • Lets for commercial or profit making activities (other than charity fundraising) including instruction, dance, events, sales and spectator events   

From simple teas & coffees for your meeting to a full dinner service we can suit your requirements. Please CONTACT US.

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