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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 22/05/2024.
02 March 2024
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Àrainn Shuaineirt 2024

The Twentieth Annual General Meeting of Àrainn Shuaineirt will be held in the Sunart Centre on Wednesday 13th March 2024 at 7:00pm. All persons interested are encouraged to attend. Anyone wishing to join remotely via Microsoft Teams please email us at ASMC@sunartcentre.org and an email invitation will be sent to you.

The main business of the meeting will be to ensure full membership of the committee. The constitution looks for at least two members from each of the Community Council areas within the AHS catchment area – Sunart, Ardgour, Morvern, Acharacle and West Ardnamurchan.

Details of current members of the committee and much more can be found on the website www.sunartcentre.org.

Àrainn Shuaineirt is the constituted body of which everyone living within the catchment area of Ardnamurchan High School is deemed to be a member.

The Àrainn Shuaineirt Management Committee is the body elected from the membership  to represent community interests in the Sunart Centre.

Many of the community facilities within Ardnamurchan High School campus were provided in addition to the school facilities following extensive fundraising within the community, as represented by the Ardnamurchan and Morvern Community School Action Group.

Continued community interest in the Sunart Centre is dependent on a fully engaged management committee. This will be of particular importance in the next few years when ownership and management of the building reverts to The Highland Council at the end of the PPP1 contact in 2027.

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