

Àrainn Shuaineirt (The Sunart Centre) is the name chosen by the local community for the complex that includes Ardnamurchan High School and all the additional community facilities.

Click here for Gaelic origins & pronunciation

Set in the heart of the Gaidhealtachd, community interest in and ownership of the centre is embodied by Àrainn Shuaineirt, a constituted community organisation with membership open to everyone living in the area. The centre is managed jointly by High Life Highland and the Àrainn Shuaineirt Management Committee, with representation from each of the five Community Council areas within the school catchment area. This committee advises High Life Highland on how it would like the centre run, and also develops initiatives of its own based on the centre’s activities.

Developments within the centre include:

  • A year-round programme of the performing and visual arts including educational and outreach opportunities.
  • Letting of the facilities for conferencing, meetings, workshops etc. and of the school hostel will bring in additional income which create new opportunities for developments within the centre
  • Access by the community and commercial users to a wide range of sporting facilities, including:
    • Fitness Suite
    • Games Hall with three full-sized badminton courts and equipment for many sporting activities
    • Fantastic all-weather full sized football pitch complete with full 'light the sky up' floodlighting facilities
    • Grass shinty pitch
  • Lifelong learning opportunities through Higher and Further Education and vocational and recreational classes.
  • Ardnamurchan Library
  • A Youth Development Programme, focusing on encouraging access to and use of all the facilities outside school hours for the 8-16 year age range

The Sunart Centre
is managed on behalf of
High Life Highland
and the

Àrainn Shuaineirt Management Committee
by Centre Manager
Jacob Green

Coming up in the Sunart Centre

Moidart.comWelcome to Moidart, Ardnamurchan and The Rough Bounds
West Highland PeninsulasLocal accommodation and things to do
Ardnamurchan High SchoolOur partner in the building and in spirit.
Glenuig HallVisiting the area? Check the website of Glenuig Hall to see what else is on during your visit.
High Life HighlandThe Sunart Centre is managed and funded by High Life Highland in partnership with our Management Committee
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