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Active School Co-ordinator


The High Life Highland team of Active Schools Co-ordinators work to increase the opportunities for quality extra-curricular sport and activity within their communities for children and young people, inspiring young people to adopt healthy lifestyles that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Here in the Highlands we do this by recruiting and training volunteers, inspiring and enabling young people to become Sports Leaders and through building connections with sports clubs, community organisations and governing bodies.

Active Schools Ardnamurchan covers Ardnamurchan High School and the following Primary schools – Acharacle, Ardgour, Kilchoan, Lochaline and Strontian. Active Schools clubs and sessions take place throughout the area and are delivered and supported by a network of dedicated volunteers.

John Beattie is the Co-ordinator for our area

Contact details:

John Beattie
Active Schools Co-ordinator
High Life Highland
The Sunart Centre
Strontian PH36 4JA

T: O1397 709225
E: john.beattie@highlifehighland.com 


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